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Team Sutton Grace

Team Sutton Grace was created around our efforts to support the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

Our goals are to:

1. Promote the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, both nationally and our local chapter in Georgia

2. Help raise awareness for those living with Cystic Fibrosis.

3. Gain team members to support our fundraising efforts.

4. Raise funds towards a cure for Cystic Fibrosis.

As a team, our fundraising efforts are being focused on two major areas.  The CF Great Strides Walk in the spring and the CF Cycle for Life in the fall of each year.  We will use the official CF foundation tools to raise funds and promote awareness at these two events.  This is designed to help focus the efforts of our family and friends on two major fundraisers throughout the year without overwhelming the team with multiple events.

Does the team stop there? NO! As we have said many times before, we will do anything we can in order to support our daughter, Sutton through every challenge she will face and will stop at nothing to find a cure.  We know that our team will support us in any way that they can to help raise even more funds towards a cure.  We will collaborate as a team and invite any team member to participate in events that we plan and execute throughout the year.  The idea is that team members can let their supporters give donations to the two major events listed above and we can focus on the community in ways that we can gather more support and awareness.

Anything goes, as long as it benefits Team Sutton Grace and we are able to raise funds for CFF.  We will be open to ideas and help provide support to team members throughout the year.  We will also ask for help on events that we develop as a team.  We want you to be a part of the team.

Anything is possible! For example, there is a major fundraiser put together by another team that raised over $240,000 in one night!  We will continue to advertise and support these events as all of the money goes to the same place, to cure CF.  We will be sure to let everybody know so that we can attend events together. In many cases, we may be able to get tickets or travel together to events.  It is our goal to come up with an event that we can raise money without asking for donations from our family and friends.

We are in the process of developing a logo and will eventually distribute T-Shirts to our team members.  We want you to know that you are a part of our fight and that we can’t do this without you.  We want you to feel just as important to be a part of finding a cure as everybody else.  We will make sure that people know that Team Sutton Grace is serious and dedicated to what we are doing.

You can join Team Sutton Grace by signing up to join the Walk or Bike Ride. The Walk is in the spring and the Bike is in the fall.

To join the CF Great Strides Walk Team, Click Here. Brittany will contact you with more details.

To join the CF Cycle for Life Team, Click Here. Jeff or JV will contact you with more details.

To join the team without participating in the walk or ride, Contact Team Sutton Grace

One response »

  1. A cure is coming and precious Sutton Grace will benefit from it!


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